Projektový servis UP

  >  Seminar for DSGC Grant Beneficiaries - cancelled

Seminar for DSGC Grant Beneficiaries - cancelled

The aim of the seminar is to present the rules of the Doctoral Student Grant Competition.


When: January 11,2022 at 10.00 AM

Where: Seminar room of the Dean´s office, Philosophical Faculty, Křížkovského 10

Lecturer: Mgr. Gabriela Pokorná


You can also join the seminar online:

The recording of the seminar will not be made.


We are looking forward to your participation!

The PSUP team 


Registration was closed.



Dear DSGC Researcher,


Thank you for your registration for the Seminar for DSGC Grant Beneficiaries - 11.1.2022.

We would like to inform you that the seminar is cancelled due to low interest in the attendance form.


Consultations on grant management will be provided on an individual basis, by appointment.


The contact person in case of your interest in consultation is:


Mgr. Gabriela Pokorná

tel.: 585 631 403

Mobile: 777 119 190




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