Projektový servis UP
Announcement of the Call for Applications under the Program:
Call No. 02_18_053 for International Mobility of Researchers, Technical and Administrative Staff in Priority Axis 2 of the OP
Project Name: Mobility Support at UP II.
Supported Activity: 1 – Post-docs from abroad in the Czech Rep.
Mobility: 1 – Post-doc from abroad in the Czech Rep. (LF_3)
Hosting Institution/Faculty/Department: Department of Pathological physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Mobility Location: Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Duration: 18 months
Term: the job will commence from June 1st, 2020
Mobility description:
The successful candidate will participate in ongoing projects in the position of Junior research scientist (Post-doc) as a full-time employee (40 hours/week) of the Palacký University with all relevant benefits (lunch subsidy, leave of 40 days/year).
The main topic is:
Genetic structure of populations of the Czech Republic and other European populations in the context of disease origin and development
Current progress in genomic technologies enables precise characterisation of gene variation which determines the genetic structure of particular populations and maybe associated with disease origin and outcome. The proposed research will employ massive parallel sequencing and other current technologies for characterisation of Czech and other populations which will be selected from distinct European regions. We will focus on the major polymorphic systems such as MHC, cytokine genes, genes for drug transporter genes etc. and will link the genetic results with the data on occurrence and clinical course of selected diseases mostly of pulmonary and cardiovascular system. In part, the project will involve replication of results from Genome Wide Association Studies thus including international collaboration.
References (recent work of the host laboratory related to the proposed topic):
Kishore A et al. Association Study for 26 Candidate Loci in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients from Four European Populations. Front Immunol. 2016;7:274.
Kishore A, Petrek M. Next-Generation Sequencing Based HLA Typing: Deciphering Immunogenetic Aspects of Sarcoidosis. Front Genet. 2018;9:503.
Tokić S et al. M. HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, -DQA1, -DQB1 and -DPB1 allele and haplotype frequencies defined by next generation sequencing in a population of East Croatia . HLA 2018;91(5):430.
Petrek M, Osoegawa K, et al.. Determination of HLA haplotypes in Czech population using NGS typing. HLA 2019;93(5):343-344.
The researcher is obliged to actively participate in a conference / seminar / workshop, etc. organized by the hosting institution at least once in every six months of the mobility.
Support for the Researcher’s Family: NO
Salary Offered: net monthly salary of 46 500,- CZK
Requirements for candidates:
Phase I
- The candidate is a post-doc in accordance with the definition; that is, a researcher up to 7 years after being granted the Ph.D. degree or its foreign equivalent1 (equivalent to level 8 of ISCED) as of the date of mobility beginning, and
- Has been active outside the Czech Republic in the field of science and research with the working time of at least 0.5 for at least 2 years (as of the date of mobility beginning) within the last 3 years, or was a Ph.D. student abroad, and
- Proves his/her publication activity (professional publications registered in the databases Web of Science, Scopus or ERIH PLUS, and at the same time publications in the form of “an article”, “book chapters”, “a letter” and “a review”) – at least 2 publication outputs in the last 3 years (as of the date of mobility beginning).
The candidates who fail to fulfil the criteria of Phase I set above will be excluded from the selection procedure. The candidates who fulfil the qualification criteria of Phase I proceed to the assessment within Phase II.
Phase II - Assessment method:
The fulfilment / non-fulfilment of exclusion criteria within Phase I, as well as the required expertise and requested documentation will be assessed by a committee consisting of at least three members.
The individual candidates will be assessed by the committee at a common meeting according to the following criteria:
Criterion 1:
The number and quality of articles in impact factor journals and other publications
Possible rating: min. 0, max. 30 points
Criterion 2:
Participation in scientific-research projects (international, national)
Possible rating: min. 0, max. 10 points
Criterion 3:
Benefits for the hosting institution within the respective field of study (scientific field) the candidate is applying for
Possible rating: min. 0, max. 10 points
The maximum rating achievable is 50 points. When assessing the candidates with regard to criteria 1 and 2, the particular candidate achieves the number of points for fulfilling the particular criterion in accordance with the objectively identifiable value set above. When assessing the candidates with regard to criterion 3 each member of the selection committee awards the points to the particular candidate individually at his/her discretion. The final number of points for the particular candidate is the average of the rating awarded by the individual committee members. The winner of the selection procedure is the candidate who has achieved the most points in the assessment of the individual criteria.
A written record of the assessment procedure will be made, including the information about the composition of the assessment committee, the criteria of candidate assessment, the reasoning of ratings, and the name of the winner.
The results of the assessment procedure will be published on the UP website.
Documents requested:
Completed application form with all the requested attachements (form attached)
All documents listed above must be submitted in either Czech or English.
Successful candidates shall not be working at any other university or institution at the time of the expected beginning of their mobility. Any exception has to be requested within the admission procedure.
The applications may be submitted in the electronic form to the address by March 20th, 2020.